Stock Management
From selling to ordering and everything in between
Seamless retail
product management
When a product finds itself on your shelf, Simple Salon knows it’s there thanks to our salon stock management. It also knows when it’s sold and who bought it, and when all the others are sold too, at which point, Simple Salon knows you need to order some more. Everything from selling to ordering, retail to professional use, brands to suppliers, stock reporting to product marketing and more—our Simple Salon stock management tools manage it all for you.
Retail Product Management
Track the use of your
professional products
The handling, organisation and ordering of professional products used during your clients’ appointments can be easily managed with Simple Salon by our salon stock management tools. Track and record the usage of your professional products by scanning them through POS under Internal Use. The product quantities are updated in real time to ensure that the system will always know what professional use products need re-ordering, and when. Orders can be automatically generated at the click of a button and then emailed directly to the product supplier so you’ll never have to manually worry about your salon stock management again!
Professional Use Product Management
What stock do I have
right now?
At any time you can run the Stock On Hand Report to see precisely what products you have in stock right now, as well as the retail value and wholesale value of your current stock. This is also the report you use when running stocktake—simply walk around the shop with your tablet and update the product quantities directly from the Stock On Hand Report as you go. Stocktake has never been simpler thanks to our salon inventory management systems – you’re welcome!
Stock Reporting
Email product orders
directly to suppliers
Forget printing orders or saving them as files and attaching them to emails — gone are those days. Instead, just one click from the order form itself, the order will be directly emailed to the supplier. Then, when the order is delivered, simply Save & Receive the order in Simple Salon and the product quantities will be automatically updated. Salon stock management systems have never been so seamless!
Supplier Management
Set your stock levels
There are 3 product quantity figures that work hard behind the scenes so you don’t have too—Minimum Quantity, Maximum Quantity, and Quantity. With these levels set, the salon stock management system will know how many products you have and when you need to re-order. The Min Qty tells the ordering system when a product needs re-ordering; the Max Qty tells the system how many to re-order; and the Qty is how many you have right now. Therefore, all you need to do is set these numbers for each product then forget about it—the Simple Salon stock management ordering system does the rest.
Stock Quantities
Make your products
their go-tos
Simple Salon knows who buys what, making it possible for you to encourage your clients to keep coming to you for the products they love. Run a promotion on one of the brands you stock and target the clients who purchase the products in that range. By using the Clients who purchased a product marketing option, you can build a tailored list of clients who purchase that brand’s products, or even a specific product, then email or SMS those clients directly from the list. In doing so, you are encouraging your customers to buy their favourite products from you, rather than from elsewhere, making your products their go-tos.
Product Marketing

Seamless retail product management
When a product finds itself on your shelf, Simple Salon knows it’s there thanks to our salon stock management. It also knows when it’s sold and who bought it, and when all the others are sold too, at which point, Simple Salon knows you need to order some more. Everything from selling to ordering, retail to professional use, brands to suppliers, stock reporting to product marketing and more— Our Simple Salon stock management tools manage it all for you.
Retail Product Management

Track the use of your professional products
The handling, organisation and ordering of professional products used during your clients’ appointments can be easily managed with Simple Salon by our salon stock management tools. Track and record the usage of your professional products by scanning them through POS under Internal Use. The product quantities are updated in real time to ensure that the system will always know what professional use products need re-ordering, and when. Orders can be automatically generated at the click of a button and then emailed directly to the product supplier so you’ll never have to manually worry about your salon stock management again!
Proffessional Use Product Management

What stock do I have right now?
At any time you can run the Stock On Hand Report to see precisely what products you have in stock right now, as well as the retail value and wholesale value of your current stock. This is also the report you use when running stocktake—simply walk around the shop with your tablet and update the product quantities directly from the Stock On Hand Report as you go. Stocktake has never been simpler thanks to our salon inventory management systems – you’re welcome!
Stock Reporting

Email product orders directly to suppliers
Forget printing orders or saving them as files and attaching them to emails — gone are those days. Instead, just one click from the order form itself, the order will be directly emailed to the supplier. Then, when the order is delivered, simply Save & Receive the order in Simple Salon and the product quantities will be automatically updated. Salon stock management systems have never been so seamless!
Supplier Management

Set your stock levels
There are 3 product quantity figures that work hard behind the scenes so you don’t have too—Minimum Quantity, Maximum Quantity, and Quantity. With these levels set, the salon stock management system will know how many products you have and when you need to re-order. The Min Qty tells the ordering system when a product needs re-ordering; the Max Qty tells the system how many to re-order; and the Qty is how many you have right now. Therefore, all you need to do is set these numbers for each product then forget about it—the Simple Salon stock management ordering system does the rest.
Stock Quantities

Make your products their go-tos
Simple Salon knows who buys what, making it possible for you to encourage your clients to keep coming to you for the products they love. Run a promotion on one of the brands you stock and target the clients who purchase the products in that range. By using the Clients who purchased a product marketing option, you can build a tailored list of clients who purchase that brand’s products, or even a specific product, then email or SMS those clients directly from the list. In doing so, you are encouraging your customers to buy their favourite products from you, rather than from elsewhere, making your products their go-tos.