Set Yourself Up for Success with Simple Salon’s Software & Giveaway

Busy barbershop with stylists attending to clients, showing the thriving business environment achieved through effective salon software management

In honour of Simple Salon’s End of Spring campaign, we’re excited to share three essential steps to ensure your salon’s success in FY25.. While these steps may sound basic, they are crucial for sustainable growth and excellence.

The magic is doing the simple things repeatedly and long enough to ignite the miracle of the Compound Effect.

– Darren Hardy

As a leading provider of salon software, Simple Salon is dedicated to helping you streamline operations, enhance client engagement, and drive growth. Join us in this campaign to transform your salon business with these simple steps.

Step 1: Set Up Online Booking with Deposits

Woman using salon software on her smartphone to book an appointment online, highlighting the convenience of online booking with deposits

To maximise your salon’s success, there are several features we suggest you turn on using our salon software. These features will streamline your operations, secure client commitments, and boost your revenue.

Pay in Full or Take Deposit: Encouraging clients to pay upfront for services is a reliable way to secure their commitment and improve cash flow. By requiring payments in advance, you can reduce cancellations and no-shows, ensuring your schedule stays full and productive. Learn more in our blog post, “Secure Bookings & Boost Profits: The Salon Owner’s Guide to Deposits.”

Pass on Transaction Fees to the Customer:  Many salon owners worry about the extra costs of online bookings, especially transaction fees. With our partnership with Stripe, you can pass these fees onto your clients. This transparent approach is widely accepted and helps you maintain profit margins. For more details, read “Addressing Your Concerns: Simplify the Salon Online Booking Experience”

Reserve with Google: Our integration with Google Reservations is a game-changer. It enhances your visibility and makes it easy for clients to book services directly through Google. This seamless integration attracts more bookings and simplifies the scheduling process. Discover more in “Introducing Reserve with Google: A Game Changer for Your Salon.”

Step 2: Emailing Your Client Base

Person checking their phone for email updates, representing the importance of email marketing for client engagement in salons

Regular communication with your clients is essential for maintaining strong relationships and driving repeat business. With our end-of-financial-year campaign, we encourage you to utilise our email marketing tools to inform your clients about new new services and products, promotions, and updates.


Tailoring your emails to address your clients personally makes them feel valued and appreciated. Personalised emails have higher open and engagement rates, which can lead to increased bookings and sales. All of these tools are included in our software, where it can automatically personalise with their name, ensuring each communication feels unique and targeted.

Clear Call-to-Action: 

Ensure your emails contain a clear call-to-action, whether it’s to book an appointment, take advantage of a special offer, or activate a new feature. A well-defined call-to-action guides your clients on what steps to take next, in this case to make their next booking using your online booking link.

Engaging Content: 

Create content that is engaging and informative. Highlight the benefits of your services, share success stories, and provide updates about new features like online booking. Engaging content keeps your clients interested and encourages them to take action.

To support you in this effort, we provide a template that with a click of a button you can easily email to your database, informing them about the new online booking feature. This flyer is designed to capture your clients’ attention and motivate them to utilise the new service, ultimately driving more bookings and enhancing their experience with your salon.

And as a sweetener, we will offer you 500 free SMS as our end-of-financial-year gift. This brings us to the final part of our campaign:

Step 3: Using SMS for Client Engagement

Close-up of a smartphone displaying an SMS notification, illustrating the effectiveness of SMS marketing for salons

SMS marketing is a powerful tool for maintaining direct and immediate communication with your clients. It offers several significant benefits that make it an essential part of your salon’s marketing strategy.

Benefits of SMS Marketing:

High Open Rates: SMS messages have an open rate of around 98%, compared to the average email open rate of 21%​ (WPFunnels)​​ (Trumpia)​.

Quick Response Times:  Most SMS messages are read within three minutes of being received​ (MarketingFlavor)​.

Higher Conversion Rates: SMS marketing boasts a conversion rate of approximately 29%, which is significantly higher than the 16.72% conversion rate for email marketing​ (WPFunnels)​.

High Click-Through Rates (CTR): SMS messages have a CTR between 6-19%, while email CTR averages around 1.7%​ (Trumpia)​.

Enhancing Client Experience with SMS:

Appointment Reminders: Use SMS to send automatic appointment reminders, reducing no-shows and ensuring clients remember their bookings.

Appointment Confirmation: Clients can reply to confirm their appointments automatically, which will be updated in your calendar. This seamless process not only enhances client experience but also helps maintain an organised and efficient schedule.

Feedback and Follow-Ups: Send follow-up messages after appointments to gather feedback or remind clients to book their next visit.

Promotions and Offers: Inform clients about special promotions, new services, or exclusive offers via SMS to drive engagement and bookings. For detailed steps, you can refer to How to Send SMS Marketing.

By integrating SMS marketing into your communication strategy, you can enhance client engagement, improve retention rates, and ultimately drive more business to your salon. Start leveraging the power of SMS today and see the difference it can make for your salon.

Smiling salon owner standing confidently in front of clients, demonstrating the success of using Simple Salon's software tools

Our end-of-financial-year campaign offers valuable benefits for both new and existing subscribers. By using our salon software tools—online booking with deposits, email marketing, and SMS marketing—you can streamline operations, boost client engagement, and drive significant growth. This campaign is designed to set your salon up for success.

We’re here to support you every step of the way. If you need assistance, click here to email us. Our team is ready to help you make the most of our tools and features.

If you’re not yet a Simple Salon customer, take advantage of our special offer: 40% off a new subscription for the first six months plus a bonus 1000 SMS. Experience the full suite of Simple Salon’s powerful features at a reduced rate.

Join us in this campaign and take the first step towards transforming your salon business. Sign up today and set your summer up for success.