Aftercare, Follow Up and Rebook Reminders
Aftercare, Follow Ups and Re-Book Reminders Simple Salon provides you with all the automatic SMS and email marketing messages you and your clients need. Set up your Aftercare message to ensure your clients know exactly how to maintain their look or manage their...
A report that gets you more rebookings
A report that can get you more rebookings The Simple Salon Client Retention Report allows you to effectively keep an eye on which of your clients are rebooking and those who aren’t. It gives you the opportunity to increase your client retention by sending SMS...
No More Unwanted Appointment Gaps
No More Gaps Fill unwanted appointment gaps in 4 simple steps 1. Enable Re-Book Reminder The Simple Salon 1-Touch Marketing has 9 different automatic message types. One of them is the Re-book Reminder—turn it on. 2. Tell it when to send The SMS and email Re-Book...
Managing Packages
Managing Packages Create. Sell. Redeem. Learn More Create, sell and redeem your salon packages Salon packages allow you to sell a set or series of services and/or products in one handy package. Services can be redeemed over a period of time and products can be...