FEATURE RELEASE: Reporting Dashboard

Hi Everyone, We’re excited to release the first of our new reporting dashboards! At the click of a button you get realtime insightful analytics on the progress of your salon and its staff. By tracking breakdown of sales, client rebooking rates and staff...

FEATURE RELEASE: Xero Integration

Future Release Xero Integration Hi everyone, It’s been a long time coming, but we’re very excited to announce that Simple Salon now integrates directly with your Xero Online Accounting account. Now that Simple Salon integrates with Xero Online Accounting,...

FEATURE RELEASE – February 2013

Hi everyone, Our Team have been busy working on a number of new things to make Simple Salon even better and easier for you to use. Here’s what’s new in this release: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-0Az7trFHw&hd=1]   1. Updated...

LATEST TIP! Start the year with a fancy email campaign

It’s a new year, and there’s no better time to fire up your marketing mind and start sending a regular newsletter or fancy email campaign to your clients! While sending an email campaign from within Simple Salon is quick and easy, you might like to...


Hi everyone, Welcome to 2013! We’re sure it’s going to be huge! To get the year started we’ve released a new feature to help you kick things off with a bang! Plus, a number of small bug fixes and improvements. 1. Bulk Price Changes It’s a new...