Sep 5, 2013 | Sneak Peeks
We are excited to give you a sneak peek of an upcoming addition to the already bulging feature set of Simple Salon… and that is Industry Benchmarking. This new feature will allow you to track the progress of your salon in comparison to your fellow salon owners...
Jun 6, 2013 | Feature Releases
Hi Everyone, We’re excited to release our all new, updated marketing feature! We’ve listened to your feedback and added some exciting new ways to market to your clients. It’s never been easier to find the clients you would like to market to. Use our...
May 10, 2013 | Feature Releases
Hi Everyone, Client Retention is a big part of building an effective salon business. The new Client Retention Report allows you to effectively keep an eye on which of your clients are rebooking and those that aren’t. It gives you an opportunity to market to...