You might not be aware that you have an Appointment Wizard to assist you in finding available dates and times for your clients’ appointments, and filling up all of those open spaces. This feature saves you from having to look through your appointment columns for open gaps, particularly on those busy days when clients are wanting a few services one after the other and you’re trying to find consecutive gaps to fit each service in. It’s time to leave all the figuring out to your Appointment Wizard.

The Wizard is located up on the top right of your Appointments page. Click the Wizard icon (or tap if you’re on your tablet) and you’ll see that it requires you to enter in some details about the appointment you wish to make. Simply start by typing the client’s name, then click them when they display below. Complete the rest of the fields (service(s), operator(s), date and time) then click or tap Find Options.

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Your Wizard will list the first available appointment options based on the details you’ve entered. It will take into consideration the operators who are rostered on, the time they have available, and all service durations and processing times where applicable. Pick the best suited time for the appointment and hit Lock In to add the booking to your operator columns.

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That’s all there is to it. Let the Wizard find all the right gaps for you, and make your scheduling more efficient.

Click here for more info about your Wizard, and here if you don’t have one, because if you don’t have an Appointment Wizard then it’s time to get Simple Salon.