“How can I target those clients who haven’t been in for some time?”

What a great question to ask! If you’ve found yourself thinking about this, or maybe you’ve even asked us this question before, then you are tapping into some very powerful areas of opportunity for your business. When you know how to retain your clients, you increase your rebooking rate and your salon becomes more profitable.

We have created for you an efficient way to bring up a list of your clients who came in sometime ago, but haven’t been in since, nor do they have any future appointments. A few clicks will generate for you this client list, and from there you can send them all an SMS or email telling them that you miss them, and that you’d love to see them again. In this promotional SMS or email extend to them an offer for a free service, or Gift Voucher—give them an incentive to come back.

Click here to see how you can bring up a list of your clients who haven’t been in for awhile, and send them all an SMS or email. As a direct result of this specialised target marketing, you’ll have more clients coming through your salon doors in no time.

If you haven’t yet got Simple Salon, well what are you waiting for?

Click here to get started today!